Reading Passage Practice – Missing Devices

Reading Passage Practice - Missing Devices

Stolen and Lost Wireless Devices
– nonfiction

1  The theft of wireless devices, particularly smartphones, is sharply on the rise across the country, according to many published reports.

2  The high resale value of these high-tech phones has made them a prime target for robbers and the personal information contained on the device that could be used by identity thieves.

3  Below are several steps that you can take to better protect yourself, your device, and the data it contains, along with instructions on what to do if your device is lost or stolen.

4  Consider your surroundings and use your device discreetly at locations in which you feel unsafe.

5  Never leave your device unattended in a public place.  Don’t leave it visible in an unattended car; lock it up in the glove compartment or trunk.

6  Write down the device’s make, model number, serial number and unique device identification number (either the International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI) or the Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) number).  The police may need this information if the device is stolen or lost.

7  Review your warranty or service agreement to find out what will happen if your phone is stolen or lost.  If the policy is not satisfactory, you may wish to consider buying device insurance.

8  Establish a password to restrict access.  Should your device be stolen or lost, this will help protect you from both unwanted usage charges and from theft and misuse of your personal data.

9  Install and maintain anti-theft software. Apps are available that will locate the device from any computer; lock the device to restrict access; wipe sensitive data from the device, including contacts, text messages, photos, emails, browser histories and user accounts such as Facebook and Twitter; and make the device emit a loud sound (“scream”) to help the police locate it.

10  Make your lock screen display contact information, such as an e-mail address or alternative phone number, so that the phone may be returned to you if found.  Avoid including sensitive information, such as your home address.

11  Be careful about what information you store.  Social networking and other apps may allow unwanted access to your personal information.

12  If you are not certain whether your device has been stolen or if you have simply misplaced it, attempt to locate the device by calling it or by using the anti-theft software’s GPS locator.  Even if you may have only lost the device, you should remotely lock it to be safe.

13  If you have installed anti-theft software on your device, use it to lock the phone, wipe sensitive information, and/or activate the alarm.

14  Immediately report the theft or loss to your carrier.  You will be responsible for any charges incurred prior to when you report the stolen or lost device.  If you provide your carrier with the IMEI or MEID number, your carrier may be able to disable your device and block access to the information it carries.  Request written confirmation from your carrier that you reported the device as missing and that the device was disabled.

15  If the device was stolen, also immediately report the theft to the police, including the make and model, serial and IMEI or MEID number.  Some carriers require proof that the device was stolen, and a police report would provide that documentation.

16  To file a complaint with the FCC, the best way is to complete the online complaint form in full.  When you open the online complaint form, you will be asked a series of questions that will take you to the particular section of the form you need to complete.

Practice – Questions
1.  What is the main idea of this passage?

A.  America is in the midst of an identity crisis.
B.  Smartphones are expensive.
C.  Consumers are helpless.
D.  There are many issues involving lost and stolen wireless devices.

2.  If you are not certain whether your device has been stolen or if you have simply misplaced it, you should do which of the following?
A.  Call 911.
B.  Attempt to locate the device by calling it.
C.  Ignore the anti-theft software’s GPS locator.
D.  Enlist the aid of a sniffer dog.

3.  Which of the following, from earliest at the top to latest at the bottom, is the correct order of events?
• Request written confirmation from your carrier.
• Report theft or loss to your carrier.
• Provide your carrier with IMEI or MEID number.
• Attempt to locate the device by calling it.

• Attempt to locate the device by calling it.
• Provide your carrier with IMEI or MEID number.
• Report theft or loss to your carrier.
• Request written confirmation from your carrier.

• Attempt to locate the device by calling it.
• Report theft or loss to your carrier.
• Provide your carrier with IMEI or MEID number.
• Request written confirmation from your carrier.

• Attempt to locate the device by calling it.
• Report theft or loss to your carrier.
• Request written confirmation from your carrier.
• Provide your carrier with IMEI or MEID number.

4.  Which of the following can you infer from this passage?
A.  The theft of a wireless device is no big deal.
B.  There is no need to report the loss of a wireless device.
C.  Taking care of a wireless device requires vigilance.
D.  Anyone who loses a smartphone is stupid.

5.  What does the word sensitive mean in Paragraph 10?
A.  ticklish

B.  touchable
C.  personal
D.  fragrant

6.  Which of the following are character traits of a wireless device?
A.  Vulnerable.  Prey.  Worthless.
B.  Worthless.  Impregnable.  Vulnerable.
C.  Valuable.  Impregnable.  Vulnerable.
D.  Vulnerable.  Prey.  Valuable.

7.  The best way to file a complaint with the FCC is which of the following?
A.  Call 911.
B.  Complete the online complaint form in full.
C.  Notify your congressman.
D.  Call their toll-free number.

8.  In your judgment, which of the following is being said in this passage?
A.  Theft of a wireless device could do its rightful owner a lot of harm.
B.  Theft of a wireless device is never harmful.
C.  Theft of a wireless device is the equivalent of jaywalking.
D.  Theft of a wireless device is the equivalent of drug-dealing.

9.  What does the word remotely mean in Paragraph 12?
A.  immediately

B.  leisurely
C.  conveniently
D.  distantly

10.  Which of the following shows the correct point of view?
Owner’s Point of View
• Immediately report theft or loss.
• Attempt to use anti-theft software’s GPS locator.
Carrier’s Point of View
• May be able to disable the device.
• Upon request, provides written confirmation of missing device.

Owner’s Point of View
• Immediately report theft or loss.
• Upon request, provides written confirmation of missing device.
Carrier’s Point of View
• May be able to disable the device.
• Attempt to use anti-theft software’s GPS locator.

Owner’s Point of View
• May be able to disable the device.
• Upon request, provides written confirmation of missing device.
Carrier’s Point of View
• Immediately report theft or loss.
• Attempt to use anti-theft software’s GPS locator.

Owner’s Point of View
• May be able to disable the device.
• Attempt to use anti-theft software’s GPS locator.
Carrier’s Point of View
• Immediately report theft or loss.
• Upon request, provides written confirmation of missing device.

Practice – Answers

1.  D.  There are many issues involving lost and stolen wireless devices.
Main Idea

2.  B.  Attempt to locate the device by calling it.

• Attempt to locate the device by calling it.
• Report theft or loss to your carrier.
• Provide your carrier with IMEI or MEID number.
• Request written confirmation from your carrier.

4.  C.  Taking care of a wireless device requires vigilance.

5.  C.  personal

6.  D.  Vulnerable.  Prey.  Valuable.

7.  B.  Complete the online complaint form in full.

8.  A.  Theft of a wireless device could do its rightful owner a lot of harm.

9.  D.  distantly

Owner’s Point of View
• Immediately report theft or loss.
• Attempt to use anti-theft software’s GPS locator.
Carrier’s Point of View
• May be able to disable the device.
• Upon request, provides written confirmation of missing device.

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